BULLETIN and NEWSLETTER: Message to Supporters, Progress Report on a Project and Fifth Call for Proposals

This Bulletin is intended to provide best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. To do so, I am passing on a message to our supporters from two of our project managers.

Christmas and New Year Wishes:

In the framework of projects funded by the Haley McCready Outreach and Development Fund, we, Anicet NYANDWI and Marie Nadège TWAGIRAYEZU, in collaboration with the beneficiaries of the projects: Food Security at Kabezi and Vegetables Crops for the Self-financing of I.A.P – TWUBAKE, have the immense joy to wish for all friends of Hope Africa University, administrative officers and teachers, Haley McCready Outreach and Development Fund donors, projects managers and beneficiaries of Haley McCready Outreach and Development.

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of Success and Prosperity.

Call for Donations:

In response to our Call for Donations, I am pleased to say that we did receive some donations. We are pleased to say thank you to our donors; you know who you are.

Project Progress Report:

We are pleased to include another progress report from one of the four development projects that was funded earlier this year.

* Breeding Goats at Nyambuye Zone in Isale Commune, Project Manager, Desire Ciza

Project Description:

This project is designed to improve the socioeconomic conditions of 17 community-selected beneficiaries in a rural area. The beneficiaries are organized into an association of committed members. The project has distributed female goats to each association member; a representative of a needy household. For the first two gestations, one of the kids will be distributed to others. In addition, the association members will be trained and assisted to compost and grow crops. The proceeds from the goats and the crops are expected to sustain the project and improve the quality of life for the represented households.

Recent Activities and Accomplishments:

As planned, five more goats were purchased and were distributed to five more beneficiaries the same day. Now the project counts seventeen goats; seventeen women each have one a goat at home. In general, the project is progressing well; five of the goats had kids and now the project counts about eight goat kids. Unfortunately one of the goats died after giving birth to two kids but the kids are still alive.

Women and their Goats
Women and their Goats

The project planted amaranth (‘Ilenga lenga’, a leaf vegetable, somehting like spinach). The second harvest was sold but the amaranth supply is high and the demand is low and, therefore, the project has stopped cultivating amaranth. The project also planted beans, cassava and maize (corn). There has been rain and a good harvest was expected.

Growing corn
Growing corn

Next Steps:

In coming months, a new group will be formed and the kids will grow and a new distribution of goats will take place. The cultivation will continue and the harvests will be distributed and sold. This is how the project will be sustained.

Fifth Call for Proposals:


 Student Grants Program

Call for Proposals

 Submission Deadline: January 17, 2015 

 * All completed applications or proposals must be submitted by e-mail to John McCready.

* All applications must be submitted in English as Word file attachments, using the current, 2015 proposal outline and format.

* All applications must be submitted by January 17, 2015.

For an application package that contains the current, 2015 proposal outline and format or, if you have questions about the use of the proposal outline and format, you must e-mail John McCready.
