BULLETIN: New Program Coordinator and New Developments

I am in Burundi right now. This is my third visit this year. I do not usually come in July and August and I have found out that there is considerably less humidity in Bujumbura this time of year (that’s a good thing for me) but the students and some of the faculty have been on leave (that’s not such a good thing for me).

This visit has been productive but I never seem to get as much done as I would like and I have less than two full weeks before I leave. I have managed to secure services of a new Program Coordinator and meet with some of the Project Managers to review some of the recent developments.

Introduction to Program Coordinator Position

To enhance the work of the Haley McCready Outreach and Development Fund in Burundi, the North American Governing Committee approved the hiring of an onsite Program Coordinator.

The Program Coordinator is expected to be a practical, supportive resource for the Project Managers and help with implementing the development projects, reporting on the development projects and addressing challenges in the development work.

The Program Coordinator will stay in regular contact with the Project Managers, exchange messages with Project Managers, organize meetings with individual Project Managers, make onsite visits to the development projects, assist with developing progress reports, assist with submitting action photographs and call occasional Project Managers’ Meetings.

Introduction to New Program Coordinator, Louise NTIRANYIBAGIRA

To acquire the services of a Program Coordinator, a competition was held. A position available flyer was distributed on a limited basis, capable nominees were sought from key people and nine people applied for the half-time assignment. Five applicants were interviewed by Susan Muchiri, a member of the African Governing Committee, and John McCready.

Based on her resume, knowledge, skills, qualifications, experience and performance in the interview, Louise NTIRANYIBAGIRA was found to be the strongest, most suitable person for the assignment and she clearly won the competition.


Louise has exceptional, highly relevant experience for the Program Coordinator assignment. She has 12 years of experience in reporting on her own work with development programs and projects and coordinating and assisting project managers and other field workers in reporting on their project development activities. Louise has worked for Hope Africa University.

Louise at Work

Louise is a recent graduate of the Community Development Master’s Program at Hope Africa University (HAU); she is one of the nine first graduates and she graduated with the highest grade-point average and Plus Grande Distinction.

We are fortunate to have Louise NTIRANYIBAGIRA as our new Program Coordinator and we wish her well in assuming the assignment.

Project Managers’ Meeting

On Friday, August 3, 2018, a Project Managers’ Meeting was held and covered a number of important matters. The meeting was attended by Barthelemy MINANI, Desire CIZA, Dieudonne IRAMBONA, Elise NUWAYO, Ernest MANIRAKIZA, Evelyne KANYANA, Ezechiel MANIRAKIZA, Prosper NIYONGERE, Louise NTIRANYIBAGIRA and John McCready.

Project Managers and Program Coordinator

The meeting began by welcoming all those in attendance, introducing the new Program Coordinator, Louise NTIRANYIBAGIRA and reviewing her role as a helpful, practical, supportive resource person for the project managers. Louise will be staying in contact with the Project Managers and they were encouraged to contact her.

Another Look

Review of Recent Developments Discussed in the Meeting:

The Haley McCready Outreach and Development Fund made a Special Call for Project Proposals for graduates of the new Community Development Master’s Program at Hope Africa University; we likely have two new development projects in the near future.

As suggested by the Project Managers, arrangements were made for two Project Managers to visit each other’s projects, Elise NUWAYO and Desire CIZA visited each other’s projects.

To make reporting easier and better, assistance is being provided for project progress reporting.

  1. Program Coordinator to assist with reporting
  2. Accept as few as three reports per year but prefer four reports with special reports added
  3. Computer, camera and modem available from Desire CIZA at HAU

Incentives are being provided for Satisfactory/Good Reporting, available only with Satisfactory/Good Reporting.

  1. Travel and communication expense money, 50,000 BIF per year will now be available to Project Managers (but only available to Project Managers with Satisfactory/Good Reporting)
  2. Additional small amounts of grant money for project associations with challenges or opportunities (but only available for projects with Satisfactory/Good Reporting)

Incentives are being provided for Superior Reporting.

  1. Certificate and Financial Reward for Superior Written Reporting
  2. Certificate and Financial Reward for Superior Photographic Reporting